Thursday, April 30, 2020

Influences of language

Language in America English is an important language in America because it makes it possible for many people to communicate easily. English brings people together and encourages them to share ideas and resources to improve their lives. The American society is multi cultural and all residents need to speak a common language to help them communicate effectively. This makes it easy to unify people from different ethnic and racial backgrounds.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Influences of language specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Language has a large impact on culture because it helps one understand values and ideas that are cherished by people in the society he lives. People need to be encouraged to learn their native languages to make them appreciate their cultures more (Barrientos). This will encourage all people to be more conscious about their roots which will strengthen multi cultural relations between people l iving in different societies. Many people speak their native languages at home when they are interacting with their friends and family. This gives them a sense of belonging and comfort because they are able to share a lot of personal experiences that are very important to them. They are able to discuss various topics of interest freely because they are at ease and enjoy spending quality time together. Tan reveals â€Å"†¦a person’s developing language skills are more influenced by peers† (2). People work hard to conform to expectations of their peers to ensure they communicate in a language everyone understands. Many employers prefer their employees to speak in a common language to ensure workplace functions are performed effectively. Influences on Language Some people are heavily influenced by the media in the way they speak. For instance, people pick up new slang terms and accents from famous musicians, actors and other notable public personalities. The media is the main avenue through which people learn various aspects of popular culture such as language, fashion and other trends. This gives them an idea on how they need to speak to conform to people’s expectations in a particular area. Both school and home environments have a big influence on the way people acquire various language skills. A school environment exposes learners to languages which are widely spoken, which are different from their vernaculars. They get to interact with their school mates and this helps them learn popular slang terms that help them relate with their peers easily. Many parents teach their children their native vernaculars at home to make them appreciate their cultural heritage (Silko 2). The American society presumes that for one to be recognized as a resident, one needs to learn how to speak English more fluently. However, this presumption may not necessarily apply to everyone that lives in the country. Silko reveals â€Å"At Laguna Pueblo, for examp le, many individual words have their own stories† (2).This presumption needs to be changed to encourage more people in the country to acquire multi-lingual skills.Advertising Looking for essay on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More English needs to remain the national language of America because it is spoken by a majority of people and is used by major government agencies to perform various functions. English is also used as a medium of instruction in schools and it is a vital part of the American heritage. However, school children and other citizens need to be encouraged to learn more languages to improve their linguistic skills. Works Cited Barrientos, Tanya Maria. Se Habla Espaà ±ol. Maine Humanities Council Podcast, 2008. MP3. Silko, Leslie Marmon. â€Å"Language and Literature from a Pueblo Indian Perspective.† Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit: Essays on Native American Life Today. New York: Vi king Press, 1996. 1-13. Print. Tan, Amy. â€Å"Mother Tongue.† Teachers’ Study Files 5 July 2013. 1-4. Print. This essay on Influences of language was written and submitted by user Esteban V. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.